Hundreds gathered to officially name Peaceburgh
On the North Shore of Pittsburgh, we gathered and listened to the sacred buffalo drum (drumming a powerful human heartbeat ) a unified heartbeat in Unity. We claimed and chanted our intent by downloading ‘sacred ideals’ of higher consciousness living into our city. As we did this working we could stand by the rivers using the power of 3 Rivers amplification and direct the energy. It was also fun to see our magnificent city from the North Shore. That day, that energy which was the 11:11:11 clean slate, that day our words were creating the blueprint of the NEW. We claimed a progressive city of Light and Love. A sacred Crystal City and named it Peaceburgh. We were graced by the presence of a Buddhist monk that chanted over the water down at the river’s edge that we had already poured our new sacred blueprint into. That intent of ‘loving one another’ water was then poured into the 3 Rivers to be carried forth to the other rivers and eventually into the oceans of the world. That day was cold with a thick grey cloud cover, but the moment we claimed our city to be Peaceburgh the clouds opened up in a split second and a beam of sun light (so bright you needed sunglasses) beamed a solid golden ray of confirmation majestically over the Point. Everyone at once burst into a sigh of AWE. It was done, there was the affirmation!
Sending Energy in Unity
If we want to see the changes that we want to see in the world we need to visualize and become those changes. Peaceburgh Facebook creates those changes by posting upbeat Positive creations to send energy to.
The Energy of the incoming Divine Goddess Energy/4th Density/ Higher Fourth Dimension that is now permeating the Earth. We are in the Shift. The Shift is happening. We are responding in Love as the lower frequencies continue their response of greed and power over others. Do not get caught up in their fear response. Unity Consciousness is beginning to solidify as we raise the incoming frequencies within us.
or contact for questions TamarGeorge.
Welcome to Our Website
This is Unity, and learning how to work in unity and visualize the world we live in PeaceburghFacebook. The site is owned by TamarGeorge. The website is the only official Peaceburgh website since 2011 and is a legal business name The name Peaceburgh cannot be used as a lead in to a sponsored event.